Monday, July 03, 2006

Jimmy Carter's Fourth of July Offering

The worst President of all time has an Op-Ed published in WaPo today:

Our government leaders have become increasingly obsessed with secrecy. Obstructionist policies and deficient practices have ensured that many important public documents and official actions remain hidden from our view…………

Jimmy does not understand the concept of fighting a war against terrorism and the need to have sensitive information related to that battle classified. Carter’s idea of battling terrorism was to sit and hope but do nothing for 444 days while modern terrorism was birthed into the beast it currently is……………

Carter offers up a few countries that we should strive to become more like when it comes to a more transparent government:

South Africa, Jamaica, Mali, India, and Shanghai……………..

The worst President has spoken…………It’s almost enough to ruin your Fourth of July weekend & celebration if you would let it. Of course we won't because Carter is an extreme example of a very out of touch individual.............………………………


I'm guessing Jimmy won't be eating tomorrow and is a Code Pink juice fan. See the post above on that matter..............................
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