Thursday, June 29, 2006

15 Years for Hurricane Looters

Three hurricane Katrina looters get 15 year per the AP:

Three people convicted of hauling away liquor, wine and beer from a grocery store after Hurricane Katrina were sentenced Wednesday to 15 years in prison. The judge said he wanted to send a message that looting would not be tolerated when he gave the maximum sentence to Coralnelle Little, 36, Rhonda McGowen, 42, and Paul C. Pearson, 36, all of Kenner............

If you think 15 years is stiff for a truck load of booze, not so long ago the police shot looters dead for looting so in light of that, I'd say they got off pretty easy................If you want to eliminate all looting in future hurricanes, bring back the old law of "shoot to kill", looting would not be a problem................
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