Sunday, June 25, 2006

NY Rep. Calls for Congressional Hearing of NYT

There are in fact now calls from legislative officials, for an investigation of the NYT's for reporting the secrete financial monitoring program used to track terrorist funds. Per BreitBart:

Rep Peter King, R-N.Y., said he would write Attorney General Alberto Gonzales urging that the nation's chief law enforcer "begin an investigation and prosecution of The New York Times _ the reporters, the editors and the publisher. We're at war, and for the Times to release information about secret operations and methods is treasonous," King told The Associated Press.................

The NYT is not returning calls this weekend..........................

King hits the nail on the head here:

He charged that the paper was "more concerned about a left-wing elitist agenda than it is about the security of the American people."

They in fact do have a left-wing elitist agenda and it is in fact damaging to the GWOT efforts that our men and woman are bravely fighting and winning. It's not just Keller and the NYT, it's the majority of the left:

Democrats and civil libertarians are questioning whether the program violated privacy rights.................

Specter already is getting weak knees:

"On the basis of the newspaper article, I think it's premature to call for a prosecution of the New York Times, just like I think it's premature to say that the administration is entirely correct"........................

I'm a huge 1st amendment proponent and think it must be given every doubt and defended vigorously. That said I think we are at or near the point where we have given the NYT every doubt and it's time for them to appear and explain just what the hell they are doing...............Before congress and before the American people so we can see and hear their explanation.............

If the answers are underwhelming, then it's time for advertisers to seriously consider pulling their advertisement currently with the NYT and placing it in other media..............That is the only thing that will change what is occuring currently at the NYT.......................
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