Sunday, June 25, 2006

Russian Diplomats Beheaded

Four Russian diplomats who were taken hostiage in Iraq were apparently tortured to death and beheaded by the terrorists. Via Gateway Pundit:

In the footage, two men clad in black and wearing black ski masks shout "God is great!" before beheading the first man. Then one militant appears standing over the decapitated body of a second victim lying in a pool of blood, with the head placed on top of the body. The footage of the beheading victims shows a closed room with white walls. The shooting appears outdoors in what looked like an alley between buildings.

The footage was stamped with the logo of al-Qaida. "God's verdict has been carried out on the Russian diplomats ... in revenge for the torture, killing and expulsion of our brothers and sisters by the infidel Russian government," the statement said.

The video begins with a verse from the Quran appearing in white letters on a black screen, and a voice reading "Those who aggress on you, you aggress on them."

Unbelievable sick animals....................How could anyone not be solidly on the side of getting all of these people and removing them for this earth..........
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