Sunday, June 25, 2006

Hugh Hewitt's Newsweek Article: It's About Being Effective

Newsweek did a piece on Hugh Hewitt titled "The Right: The Next Big Thing:

On July 4, Salem Communications, one of the country's largest radio-station owners, will relaunch an old Web war horse called as a hub for its stable of stars (including Bill Bennett, Michael Medved and Hewitt himself). The hope? That "Web 2.0" wherewithal can transform what was once an op-ed clearinghouse into a single nerve center serving the separate conservative communities of talk radio and the Internet.

The goal:

add 6 million Salem fans to Townhall's 1.4 million unique monthly visitors and you've got an audience six or seven times the size of liberal site Daily Kos, the Web's biggest political blog. "We will overwhelm them," he says.............

How will that occur:

Every day, Salem's nationally syndicated hosts will post show summaries, blog entries and podcasts. On the air, they'll encourage listeners to visit the amped-up "Action Center," where users can "push out" petition alerts on customized e-mail lists, set and track fund-raising goals, contact their elected officials and create personal blogs—a first, DeFeo claims, for a conservative Web site. As Kerry '04 blogmaster Dick Bell has said, "the hosts will act as recruiters for the millions of people listening every day—and that could really change the dynamic in terms of impact.".................

Sounds great, I'm looking forward to the launch. There will be a major difference between Townhall & Daily Kos of course, just as there is a major difference today between the left and right blogs. Per Hewitt:

"It's not about getting people angry," says Hewitt. "It's about being effective."

Indeed. Hewitt has a link up pointed to a lefty site that is already complaining about the article. Talk Left complains they look too angry in the article:

Why the venom towards Markos and the hailing of Hewitt? Both pieces come off as being written by journalists with a right-wing agenda. Even the accompanying photos show the bias. In the piece on Kos, there is no picture of him [added: on the first page of the article] only of Bush protesters in Washington state which has nothing to do with the article. For the Hewitt article, there's a nice calm photo of Hugh in suit and tie standing in front of what could be a courthouse right under the headline. It's like they are equating liberals with anarchy and conservatives with justice................

Why the venom? Well that is a very good question that is looking you square in the mirror Talk Left. Venom is an anger product and seldom is in partnership with effectiveness...........................
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