Wednesday, June 28, 2006

President Bush to Media: Your Service is Necessary to Secure the USA

President Bush in his visit to St. Louis today said the following to the media members covering the event, per the Post's report:

President Bush told members of the media "their service is necessary to secure the United States of America."............

I'd say that was a diplomatic but again a pretty clear statement against the NYT decision to disclose the terrorist banking data monitoring program.................

That said, he is right, we do need the press to start making the right decisions when faced with the next story of this nature..........

Sounds like it was a very positive visit for the President and for Senator Talent..................


More from the Post ref Bush's visit and statement about the leaking of intel via the political fix blog:

Bush also had some choice words for the New York Times for breaking the story about a secret administration program to track millions of financial records in search of terrorist suspects. The president contended that the disclosure hurt the government’s effort to protect Americans. “There’s no excuse for anyone entrusted with vital intelligence to leak it, and there’s no excuse for a newspaper to print it,'’ Bush said..............

There is no excuse..............
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