Sunday, June 25, 2006

George Bush Visits STL Wednesday

President Bush will be in STL on Wednesday to raise money for Senator Talents re-election campaign. Per the Post:

President George W. Bush will be in Clayton on Wednesday to help raise campaign money for U.S. Sen. Jim Talent, R-Mo...............Wednesday's $2,000-a-plate dinner will be at the Ritz-Carlton in Clayton. Co-chairmen include Andrew Taylor, head of Enterprise Rent-a-Car; Sam Fox, chairman of the Harbour Group; and August A. Busch III, head of Anheuser-Busch Cos. Inc.

That is the STL Red Carpet........It does not get any bigger than that from a STL host perspective...........................

McCaskill is having a snarky and disingenuous event it would appear given the timing the same night per the Post:

McCaskill plans to hold a local fundraiser the same night for the Missouri Military Family Fund.....................

The cause is a great one, but picking the same day the President is in town for Talent proves that Howard Dean is certainly pulling the stings on the McCaskill campaign..........................Howard Dean & Clair McCaskill, that does not have a Missouri ring......................
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