Friday, June 23, 2006

Congressional Hearing Time for the NYT on Swift Scrub

Sounds to me that it's time for a "congressional hearing"........................Not a law that infringes on the constitutional right of a free press, no one wants that and it would be illegal. I personally would not stand for such a thing. I want a very free and strong press but I also want them to be more interested in the safety and security of Americans than the banking privacy of terrorists, that is a requirement that comes with the privilege and responsibility of being the press..........We need "serious" hearing to see why they are not upholding their duty granted to them via the constitution...........This is indeed a serious matter...................

It's time for Keller and NYT management to appear before congress and explain just what the hell they are doing and why...................Tell the American people why they are putting us in danger for a "public interest" focus on a story that effect .000009% of us from a personal information perspective, and was legal. This is no longer about the NYT going after Bush, this now is about the NYT going after every American and putting us in danger because of their deranged "Attack Bush on Everything Mentality". Enough already, it's time for some serious hearings on this matter and it should occur in Congress for all of America to see.....................

News-Flash for Keller and the NYT, its more in my interest to know who is planning to bomb us again and where than to know about the "Swift Scrub" that effects almost zero percent of our fellow Americans...........................


I'm saying pretty much the same thing as Hugh Hewitt per his latest post What Does the Congress Think of the New York Times' Assist to Terrorists :

Perhaps the papers would find some supporters among the congressmen and senators, but I believe that a strongly worded condemnation of the papers'actions would pass, and would as Bill argued, send the message that it isn't the Bush Adminsitration the papers are defying, but the legislative branch as well. And then let's have some new hearings on the federal press shield law. If the papers really believe they deserve it, let them send their editors to defend that proposition........

Exactly, it is not against Bush they rage, but against every American on this matter......................................
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