Saturday, June 24, 2006

Saddam on New Hunger Strike

Saddam Hussein went on another hunger strike Wednesday to protest one of his attorney's murder per breitbart:

Saddam Hussein and his seven co-defendants went on a hunger strike Wednesday to protest the killing of a top attorney on the ousted Iraqi leader's defense team......................

Saddam Hussein went on a hunger strike back in February of this year and that one didn't last too long, just 11 days...................

As I recall, Saddam had a real addition to junk-food:

It turns out Saddam Hussein is a joke-telling, junk food-addicted neat freak who enjoys scribbling poetry and dispensing fatherly dating advice. Five National Guardsmen who were assigned to Saddam's guard detail told GQ magazine that he inhales Doritos by the bagful, cleans everything with baby wipes before he eats, and likes to start his day with a bowl of Raisin Bran Crunch. "No Froot Loops!" he would say when offered a substitute for his breakfast cereal of choice..................

"The Butcher of Baghdad is addicted to Doritos, especially soggy ones"........................Nasty....................I'd give this hunger strike less than 11 days until the craving for "soggy Doritos" gets the best of Saddam...........................

Someone should probably explain to Saddam that an act of non-violent civil disobedience such as a hunger strike by a violent murderous Dictators, is usually not a good fit and almost never provides the results one is looking for...................Sort of like a soggy Doritos for most of us..........
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