Saturday, June 24, 2006

NYT's Swift Scrub Editorial Explanation

Today's round-up of the NYT "Swift Scrub" article:

NRO's MediaBlog:

Takes a look at the NYT editorial and proves in its own explanation that there was no need to publish the story:

If the Swift executives were the ones to argue for controls, we should be happy to know that those running Swift are in fact good, ethical people. Trying to turn this around on the executive branch — because it didn't first ask for these controls that are now happily in place — shows how illogically intent the NYT is on taking down the Bush administration....................

In the end that is of course what this is all about, taking down the Bush administration.............

Media Blog also looks at the letters to the Editor which appear to be overwhelmingly negative on the decision. This one seems to sum-up what most people think about the matter:

I'd rather know that the bad guys were being caught than having my "interest" in this story satisfied over this morning's cup of coffee................

Lastly MediaBlog makes the sound argument that the government looks at and stores every single one of our financial data every April via those IRS returns......

Powerline has a link to a financial analysis of the cost the NYT is paying for their decidedly left of center focus and editorial decisions:

From a business standpoint, the Times' embrace of far-left politics on page one has been a disaster. I'm reminded of the analysis Michael Medved did years ago, showing that the movie studios' preference for R-rated and X-rated movies is not driven, as popularly believed, by economics. Newspapers like the Times, just like Hollywood, are willing to sacrifice their own economic interests in service of what they think is a higher value. I wonder, though, whether the owners of the Times Company's Class B shares, to whom the Sulzberger family owes a fiduciary duty, share the paper's disdain for profit..................

In the end the economic impact of such a blatant politically left agenda is probably the only thing that can change their agenda............Given this latest story I think that could not be any clearer............................
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