Wednesday, June 21, 2006

500 Deliverable WMD Found in Iraq

We have found 500 deliverable weapons in Iraq that contained WMD, per FOX:

The United States has found 500 chemical weapons in Iraq since 2003, and more weapons of mass destruction are likely to be uncovered, two Republican lawmakers said Wednesday. ...........................

Of course the anti-war, anti-Iraq argument will now move to the claim that the weapons were old and limited. Well OK, we can debate that...............however, there is no debate on whether one of the central pillars of the left's argument has been removed: there were WMD's in Iraq.............That arrow has been removed from the quiver.......

I think that as the report is made public more serious and damaging info will come to light on the WMD issue. Watch the rats run up their position to a new spot and try to defend it..........................................

Why the delay in reporting the WMD's? I think because of concern that they could have been used against our troops as we began to understand that they were in fact in Iraq and we secured them. Also, I think we have only heard the intro on the whole story......................................................
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