Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Not That There is Anything Wrong With Being Called Lawrence

Here is the MSM at it's very worst by way of the Larry O'Donnell's interview with Hugh Hewittt:

Lawrence not Larry - O'Donnelll:

Larry: I get credit for Was Cheney Drunk. Make sure all your audience knows I'm the guy who asked was Cheney drunk, and I forced Fox News into asking him about what his alcohol consumption was that day.

HH: But you think the Secret Service knew he was drunk and protected him? Tell us Larry...............

Larry O'Donnell: No. Hey, stop lying about what I'm saying. Get this straight. Lawrence O'Donnell has no idea, and has never suggested whether or not the Vice President was drunk. I've never said it, and I never will, because we will never know...

So tell us Lawrence-Larry, did you break the story and are you sticking with it? Sounds like your running from it now Lawrence - Larry (sorry not that there is anything wrong with a guy calling himself Lawrence)....................Tell us Larry exactly where you stand on your news break.............................
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