Sunday, February 05, 2006

Why No Coverage Like on the Gitmo Bay Koran Flush?

I have a question.......Why are most MSM sources delicately hiding their watered down coverage of the Mohamed Cartoons violence deep in their news offering, and not covering it like they did the false "Guantanamo Bay Toilet Flush" story? I mean the Gitmo Bay Koran story was front and center and pursued hard by the MSM, and it was proven to be false. The current burning of Embassies around the Muslim world and the calls for death to anyone who insults Mohamed via cartoon caricatures is observable and is fact. The fact that this is big important news that the MSM should be "fully" covering but aren't, is strange indeed when you consider that what is being violently attacked is the right of a "Free Press". If there ever was a story that should run deep and true to the interest of the MSM this is it.............................

Bloggers are covering the Mohamed Cartoon violence while the MSM plays "hide the hot potato". Here are several fine summaries on what is happening:

Mudville Gazette

Michelle Malkin

Gateway Pundit who has a link to the report that the cartoons that caused the greatest outrage were fakes planted by Danish Imam Ahmad Abu Ladan with the intent to incite riots just as it has.........................

Hugh Hewitt

Austin Bay

Little Green Footballs

While the MSM naps with one eye open and holds back from really covering this story, the new media is doing their job and building more and more go to value for people who want to learn the "news of the day"....................................
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