Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Political Cartoon Cheney Gun Accident

Here is a round-up of top hits at "excite" on the following key words: Political Cartoon Cheney Gun Accident and it's a pretty balanced offering

Political Humor leads the roll and it is a "VERY FULL" offering of photo-creations for satire......Some real tasteless and others sort of humorous now that Mr Whittington is recovering...

The Wonkette...................comes in second, but she is the bomb don't you know:

5:58 PM: We’re sitting in front of our TV and ready for this show to get on the road. Tired of Fox News’s relentless coverage of Neil Entwistle — we love tabloid trash as much as the next guy, but Entwistle’s not even interesting trash.

Hugh comes in third and from my position, gets it most correct........................

The BuzzFlash comes in fourth and is a hard lefty site...............

Scrappleface comes in #11 and has a funny post, with Cheney "worried sick" over David Gregory's coverage of the matter and the VP's poll numbers (funny - a good read)

Me(Getting Nothing But Static From MSM) come in at #18.........................

I think it's great that Harry Whittington is doing well after a brief set-back. That is what this story is truly about. That said, I will not rehash all I've posted related to this matter, but here are a few key points:

I) 99.9993% of those in the media don't hunt quail and never have - therefore have no clue what they are talking about or reporting.......................

II) The impact of the shot did not endanger Mr. Whittington, it rather was a shallow wound from which a very small pellet traveled via blood vessels to his heart area.....

III) As Cheney said he was at fault because he was the one who pulled the trigger, but in hunting there is much more to the dynamic than that. However he is right and did the right thing...........................

IV) Did the Nut-Job ultra-liberal MSM folks not jump out of their shoes to make themselves look like complete fools and idiots on this one and will they not be paying hard for this one for awhile.................
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