Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Mohammed Cartoons Bad - Old Abu Ghraib Photos Good?

Hugh Hewitt links to Black Five and the photo's that should and do upstage some tired re-treads of the same photos back in 2003, that the MSM has deemed worthy of running again. ZERO news value, HUGE risk for the people protecting our freedom and liberties.

So let me get this straight, the MSM has to protect us from the Mohammed cartoons via their filters, but it's news to re-run old Abu Ghraib pop-up photos that are more of what we have already seen and understand and debated? What CONCEIVABLE rational is being applied here? INCOMPETENCE, of the highest DEGREE....

Seriously, is the MSM now on a course that is worse than a terribly incompetent auto-pilot, and have now crossed over the abyss of logic and responsibility.......
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