Monday, February 13, 2006

Birdshotgate Day Two

Well actually it's day three considering the intentional attempts to suppress the accident if you believe the lefty loons in the MSM that are going with that angle, but officially day two. The first cartoon (hat tip Lorie Byrd at PoliPundit):

Cox & Forkum

It's a satire on the satire that is coming from the lefty political cartoonists, using the hunting accident to attack everything Cheney and everything Bush........

As I've post below, I say go for it because I think it will be a loser for their cause and will turn American's off besides those in the already hate everything Bush - Cheney blue dots. On the same subject forget cartoons when you have a reporter at WaPo turning into a cartoon himself. Check out Dana Milbank's complete breakdown on the Keith Olberman show dressed in hunter orange here.

Not that anyone thought Milbank had an objective thread in his reporting previously, but certainly he and WaPo understand that he has zero credibility from an objective standpoint from here forward. I hope the laugh was worth it......................

Hold on, there will be many more taking the leap and bursting into flames. They have wanted a "Got Ya" moment so bad against this administration that they are falling all over themselves over this innocent hunting accident and it is insane. I'm telling you that this will end up hurting the liberal left MSM far more than Cheney and the Bush administration. Sit back and watch them blow...................................................


This certainly is a strange and unfortunate development, Fox is reporting that Harry Whittingham had a "minor" heart attack but the prognosis looks good:

A birdshot pellet that hit Harry Whittington, the friend Vice President Dick Cheney accidentally shot on Saturday, has migrated to his heart, causing a "minor" heart attack, hospital representatives said on Tuesday outside the hospital where Whittington is being treated. .......

He will have a full life the Lord intended to have, and this shouldn't affect him one way or the other," he added..........

"The BB basically has lodged in a certain area that has caused inflammatory changes. When that occurs, there is irritability to the heart muscle ... it is basically like an electrical short circuit," Blanchard said, adding that it is "easily treated with medications" and is a nonsurgical condition.............

It would appear that one of the #7 1/2 pellets (I thought #8 - basically the same thing) went from a shallow wound into a blood vessel and "migrated" to his heart via blood flow. I have serious doubt that a #7 1/2 could make a wound to the degree to penetrate to the heart area. Based on this reporting it did not and traveled there via blood flow. Again an extremely strange development. That said when your 78 years old, any wound no matter how deep is not a good thing. Prayers and thoughts to Mr. Whittington and his family....................

I'd say that those on the left attacking and making this a political matter when it obviously was a simple accident, are going to look even worse now that a freak development like this has made it even more serious than it should have been..................................
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