Wednesday, February 08, 2006

MSM Capitulation Over Mohammed Cartoons

Here is a cartoon that pretty much sums it up reference the American MSM coverage of the Mohammed Cartoons:

Cox & Forkum

It's called: Capitulation on the right of Free Speech.......................

--------- Update -------------------------

Here is one news organization with their journalistic integrity in place:

Staff Walk Out

One would think that there would be more editorial staffs walking out............Nah, what a silly thought........................

---------- Update II --------------------

E&P has a post up on the Mohammad Cartoons and sites a limited round-up of samplings of what news organizations are doing on this matter:

- NPR did not even provide an online link to the cartoons, not even a backdoor avenue to the information that is causing embassies to burn………………
- USA Today: "we concluded that we could cover the issue comprehensively without republishing the cartoon, something clearly offensive to many Muslims. It's not censorship, self or otherwise," said Deputy World Editor Jim Michaels…………………
- New York Times editor Bill Keeler: long and vigorous debate" that publishing the cartoon would be "perceived as a particularly deliberate insult" by Muslims. "Like any decision to withhold elements of a story, this was neither easy nor entirely satisfying, but it feels like the right thing to do."

One of few MSM organizations not capitulating on this was the Daily Press in Victoria CA.:

A California paper, the Daily Press in Victorville: became one of the few to publish a Muhammad cartoon--the one with the prophet with a bomb in his turban--today, with its editor in a column knocking The Associated Press for refusing to distribute the images.

The paper states the following and gets it right related to their role as media: The Daily Press is one of the very few American newspapers that is publishing the cartoon. The point is not whether it is offensive or not. The point is that it is part of a worldwide news story.

It’s pretty clear to me that most MSM newspapers have simply become a parrot of the AP, NYT, WaPo, and the other wire services. No independent thinking or journalistic convictions, simply pack mentality to follow the herd, and on this one follow the herd to capitulation……………………………
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