Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Party Line Voting Like Washington Does

A good article by Dick Morris from The Hill


I agree completely and for the first time ever in my life voted straight Republican for all offices in Nov 2004. It was not exactly an intended straight party line vote but lets just say I did not invest a whole lot of time into considering Democrat candidates on the local level. So, I voted for the Republican.

I intend to continue doing the same, unless of course there was something seriously wrong with the Republican candidate, then I could not pick them over the Democrat. I have voted for moderate Democrat candidates at the national, state, and local level many times over the past 20 years, but I think that is coming to an end.

Morris says it best here:

As party-line voting increases in Washington and the well-publicized partisan feuds animate the body, voters are getting the point that as long as the legislators vote a straight party line, so should they.

and here

The Senate would realign 62-38 if every state elected senators from the same party as the presidential candidate they supported, and nine Republicans and 16 Democrats would be defeated. But if we refine the calculations further and eliminate the swing states, which went narrowly for Bush or John Kerry in 2004, we have three Republicans from overwhelmingly Democratic states and 11 Democrats from states Bush carried handily.

The Republicans in deep-blue states are Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins of Maine, which Kerry won by 54-45, and Lincoln Chaffee of Rhode Island, which Kerry won by 60-39.
The Democrats who represent bright-red states are Mark Pryor and Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas (Bush carried it by 54-45), Evan Bayh of Indiana (Bush 60-39), Mary Landrieu of Louisiana (Bush 57-42), Max Baucus of Montana (Bush 59-39), Ben Nelson of Nebraska (Bush 66-33), 2002’s narrow escapee Tim Johnson of South Dakota (Bush 60-39), Kent Conrad and Byron Dorgan of North Dakota (Bush 60-36) and Jay Rockefeller and Byrd of West Virginia (Bush 56-43.