Friday, November 24, 2006

Hugo Chavez, Iran, Open Borders & Suicide Terrorists

Hugo Chavez doesn't take kindly to hard questions asked of his new best buddy & ally Iran. Hugo has recalled the Venezuelan ambassador to Argentina per the BBC:

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has recalled his ambassador to Buenos Aires following a complaint by Argentina's leader, Argentine media report. President Nestor Kirchner is said to have contacted Mr Chavez over the conduct of ambassador Roger Capella. Mr Capella is accused of supporting former Housing Secretary Luis D'Elia. Mr D'Elia was fired for criticising an international arrest warrant for eight Iranian former cabinet ministers issued by Argentine prosecutors. The warrants were issued over the ex-ministers' alleged involvement in a bomb attack on a Jewish cultural centre in Buenos Aires in 1994, in which 85 people were killed..........................

Hugo Chavez's growing alliance with Iran is certainly concerning when you read reports about the massive suicide squads Iran is putting together per an Iranian expert Ali Alfoneh:

By Abbasi's definition, Iran may not sponsor terrorism, but it does not hesitate to promote suicide attacks. He announced that approximately 40,000 Iranian estesh-hadiyun (martyrdom-seekers) were ready to carry out suicide operations against "twenty-nine identified Western targets" should the U.S. military strike Iranian nuclear installations...................

With Venezuela's South American location and the open Mexican - American borders it's particularly alarming. Alfoneh thinks the bombers would be used in the Middle East Theater, and that might be, but the "Iranian - Hugo - Open Border" combination still is chilling:

Samadi said he had registered 2,000 volunteers for suicide operations at a seminar the previous day.[9] Copies of the registration forms (see Figure 1) show that the "martyrdom-seekers" could volunteer for suicide operations against three targets: operations against U.S. forces in the Shi‘ite holy cities in Iraq; against Israelis in Jerusalem; and against Rushdie............

Alfoneh also suggests that Iran's decision to develop suicide units maybe a telling hint of a weak Iranian military:

Since 9-11, the increased focus on international terror has amplified fear of terrorism. By forming suicide terrorists units, Tehran can, at a minimum, exploit such fear. Already, Western policymakers warn that any strike against Iran could spark a resurgence of Iranian-backed terror. That the Islamic Republic has already formed suicide bomber brigades underscores that point. But the fact that the Iranian leadership must embrace such nonconventional deterrents may suggest that Tehran recognizes that the Iranian military is weaker than Iranian figures admit................

You would think that a country with a powerful military would not need to exploit insane people who want to blow themselves up so Alfoneh's observation makes sense to me............
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