Thursday, November 23, 2006

NYC Live Poultry Market: Don't Look Them in the Eye.........

Now that you have had your Thanksgiving turkey dinner, here is a sub-story on "live poultry markets" via the AP

Thousands of turkey, chickens and other fowl are killed every day at hundreds of live poultry markets around the country, with roughly 90 such places in the New York City area alone. Most of the nation's live poultry markets are concentrated in large urban areas with big immigrant populations, such as Miami, Los Angeles and New York.

Once the turkeys are chosen by customers, the birds are snatched up by a butcher who binds their feet and hangs them upside down from a scale. Then comes the unmentionable (hint: it has to do with a blade). The bird then goes into a rotating machine that strips its feathers. And customers walk out with their Thanksgiving turkey in a plastic bag, fresh as fresh can be.

Said one customer: "People say that once you eat a live turkey, you can never go back again,"................

I'm sure PETA is not happy but if you don't look them in the eye, you can get a super fresh and tasty bird:

McIntyre went back and chose the smallest turkey, a white 20-pounder. "I didn't look the animal in the eye. And I didn't look when they killed it."

The strange thing that makes this a story is that the market is in NYC and other large urban cities. Obviously this has been an annual event in rural locations all over the country every year for many years...............Turkey famers have to be chuckling when they read that one......................
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