Thursday, September 07, 2006

Clarie McCaskill Calls President Bush a Killer

Claire McCaskill made an outrageous statement about President Bush Tuesday in the presence of STL Mayor Francis Slay and other state democrats. Pub Def has the story:

McCaskill said she would remind people that "George Bush let people die on rooftops in New Orleans because they were poor and because they were black."

McCaskill is sounding more extreme and more like the Daily Kos netroots every day. Such a crazy moonbat public statement is sure to cost her dearly with moderate voters. The STL Post Dispatch Political Fix blog is also covering the story....

A terrible move on the heels of news that the DSCC is pouring big cash into TV ads in the hard-blue-markets of metro STL & metro K.C (per Political Fix). Not the stuff that winning campaigns are made of and it does not appear to bode well for McCaskill….....
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