Friday, November 24, 2006

Mad Cartoonist Storms Newspaper Office

The mad cartoonist who stormed his former paper with a toy gun, has some tremendous cartoon potential I'd say:

"I'm here to unmask the true conflicts in the newspaper," Varela told The Miami Herald. "They laugh at exiles here. There are problems with payment."............"All that he wants people to know is that he wants the truth to come out," Garcia said. "I think he needs some time to work some things out.".................

I'd say he needs some time to work some things out, and will no doubt get that time...................

Unless there is some unwritten rule against drawing cartoons about fellow cartoonists who go mad, one would think that there could be some seriously funny material here. Come to think about it, there probably is some unwritten rule in the MSM over such things. Too bad, if I could draw I'd pump out a few that come to mind.................


A South Florida online paper Broward-Palm Beach New Times (Daily Pulp) is posting on the "mad cartoonist" and is covering the angle that it's part of a total Miami Herald "melt-down". Given the things going on at the Herald over the past year, I see that angle. You have to love this line:

“Warning: The Attorney General Has Determined that working at the Miami Herald Is Dangerous to Your Health".............................

On a serious note, The Daily Pulp thinks things in Miami are about to boil over and this is the latest example:

The entire community needs to do something before there’s another day like today, only instead of a half-baked cartoonist, it’s someone truly intent on doing some serious damage. I can’t believe I’m even saying this, but I’m starting to think there needs to be some kind of town hall meeting with Fiedler, other newspaper editors and reporters, Cuban exile leaders, and anybody else interested in these issues. Stick Michael Putney in there to moderate. Start it at 7:30 and let it last until the wee hours if it has to. This damn town needs some therapy. And quick.............................
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