Friday, November 24, 2006

Why Does Russia Support Iran?

With the latest weapons transaction between Russia & Iran being reported, the question of why Russia protects Iran's nuclear aspirations seems worth revisiting. Here is a good refresher via the Carnegie Endowment:

The fact is that in contrast to the United States, Russia has huge political and economic interests with Iran. Iran is one of the main recipients of Russian peaceful nuclear technology and arms sales. Also, Iran is seen as a geopolitical counterbalance to the expanding influence of Turkey, the United States, and Islamic Wahhabism in the South and North Caucasus and Central Asia. Finally, Iranian oil and gas resources (4th and 2nd largest in the world respectively) are a lucrative target for future Russian investment................................By demanding the immediate cessation of Iranian enrichment activities, Russia is following its own economic and security interests and is demonstrating cooperation with the United States (and the West in general) on nonproliferation. By opposing UN sanctions and US military force, Moscow is accommodating its interests in cooperation with Iran and in avoidance of the inevitable economic, political and security damage of war. In this way Russia is also indirectly forging a united front with China, India and many other countries in opposing US unilateralism and arbitrary policy of force, permeated with double standards and a disregard for other nations' differing interests and views...............

It's all about "money" and "influence" in the region and the Russian perception of how to best protect their security buffers...............I would not look for any major changes in the Russian policy on Iran anytime soon.....................
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