Thursday, August 03, 2006

Israeli - Hezballah Cease Fire on Monday 8/7?

Per Haaretz, looks like the cease fire will happen on Monday 8/7. Per US State Dept spokesman Sean McComack:

"We certainly would hope that we could achieve something by Friday, but if not, we are prepared ... to work all through the weekend if necessary to get something done, because we are working on an urgent basis to bring about an end to the fighting in such a way that is lasting and durable," he said.........................

Look for a Monday "Cease-Fire" unless serious mop-up time is needed by the IDF.....

---------------------update 8/4-----------------------------

Rich Lowry at NRO’s The Corner, has a projected cease fire timeline for the Hezbollah – Israeli conflict up derived from the sources he has been speaking with. Basically it’s as follows:

- UN cease fire proposal on Monday
- Actual cease fire mid-week with call for international peace keeping force
- France is playing a major role in the ceasefire negotiations
- 9,000 – 10,000 UN troops
- Lebanese military is a shell and not capable of playing any role
- High fear that the Lebanese government will collapse
- If Hezbollah hits Tel Aviv, all bets off and all out war
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