Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Hezbollah Hospitals Aren't Exactly What They Appear

Some interesting revelations about that "hospital" that the IDF commandos launched their operation around and in last night. Per Excite News, via Big Lizards

The hospital, which residents said is financed by an Iranian charity that is close to Hezbollah, was empty of patients at the time of the raid, the guerrilla group said. Olmert said that, although the scene of the fighting is called a hospital, "there are no patients there and there is no hospital, this is a base of the Hezbollah in disguise."

So lets see, we have a hospital in Baalbenk, built by Iran for Hezbollah interests and in the thick of this war, it's empty? Sure it was a hospital, riiiiiiiight.......

Not too much of a stretch to predict that as the facades of other Iranian built charities and facilities in Lebanon are peeled off by the IDF, they will not be what they appear but rather the bunker for weapons of terrorism............................................


Greta is covering the "shell hospital" story right now with Lt Col Bill Cowan on Fox. Cowan is stating that Baalbek is the heart and soul of Hezbollah and is the brain and HQ of Hezbollah in Lebanon. He said the IDF should have done more damage to it, but it is the right target in his mind. I agree and I'm going to guess more is being done there than is being reported as of now...........


Vital Perspective has video of the Baalbek raid...........
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