Thursday, August 03, 2006

Wife Burns Sleeping Husband with Cooking Oil

Here is a painful story, via the AP:

A woman fled with her two children after severely burning her husband with hot cooking oil as he slept, authorities said……… Edna May Sanders turned on the stove Friday and heated about two quarts of oil, waited until the grease reached a simmer and then poured the oil over her husband, covering his head, face, chest and arms…………

Per the Investigator:

"I've been in law enforcement 14 years and that was the worse thing I've ever seen," sheriff's investigator Ricky Fayard said. "His skin was dripping off of him."…….

No report on why she did such a thing but it’s probably a good bet that there has been some type of domestic abuse and some serious issues in this relationship. Must have been pretty bad to result in such a thing……………….

What a rude and painful awakening. I’m thinking that Mr. Sanders is probably going to have some difficulty letting himself go to sleep over the next several days and weeks…………..
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