Monday, July 31, 2006

Cost of Cuban Cigars Down - Real Estate About to Sky-Rocket

Reports that Fidel Castro turned over power (temporarily)to his brother Raul:

HAVANA — Fidel Castro temporarily relinquished his presidential powers to his brother Raul on Monday night and told Cubans he underwent surgery............................

When Castro kicks it and the real estate bull market kicks off in Cuba, get in early and buy like hell.......................It's going to go out the roof.......It will be a market exactly opposite of the market we saw in the movie "The God Father II"...........Don't listen to Michael's re-run advise on Cuban real estate, buy, buy, buy it up............

Raul, do we have a "deal for you"...................


Per Breitbart, Raul is more radical than Castro but will talk with the US on the moon:

Three weeks after taking power in January 1959, Castro named Raul his successor, telling supporters: "Behind me are others more radical than I."...............Yet Raul made occasional conciliatory moves toward the United States. In 1964, he said he was willing to hold talks with the Americans "even on the moon."

I don't think it will come to "moon talk" Raul........Did I mention that we have a "deal you can't refuse"...........How about a tasty plate of linguine and a nice glass of wine.......

---------------update II -----------------------------

Cuba will probably be the first country taken over by real estate developers, without "a single shot fired"............

Supply & Demand - Demand & Supply.............
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