Thursday, August 03, 2006

Hezbollah & Iranian Leaders Sound Like "Bagdad Bob"

Today, Hezbollah leader, Hassan Nasrallah, sounded a lot like Bagdad Bob in his taped statement, you can see @ Nasrallah. First saber rattling:

Hassan Nasrallah threatened to bomb Tel Aviv during a TV address Thursday night, should Israel attack in Beirut. "If you indeed do this, I say this clearly. I won't use terms I used up to now, past Haifa, but I will say clearly and in a way that is not open to interpretation: If you bomb our capital we'll bomb your capital. We'll bomb Tel Aviv and we can do this."...........................

Then theatrical PR attacks against Israeli PM Olmert:

Nasrallah branded Prime Minister Ehud Olmert a "fool" for "declaring a victory too early." "He wants to look like (Ariel) Sharon, (Yitzhak) Rabin, and (Menachem) Begin. Ask him where the accomplishments are that he promised you," Nasrallah said. He added that he was following Israeli analysts...............

Then against the Mossad:

Nasrallah mocked the commando raid in Baalbek: "There were two landings near Baalbek and not in the heart of Baalbek. They stormed a hospital and threw a grenade. Pay attention to the great gain, to search for injured fighters who they didn’t capture during the battle. They weren't there, they kidnapped five civilians and they are hostages. This is intelligence, this is the Mossad?" ...............

Sounds like a very defeated leader............Nasrallah has been on the tube via taped PR announcements almost as much as Bagdad Bob was:

This was Nasrallah's eighth television appearance since the kidnapping of soldiers on the northern border............

(He is attempting to get a message out "hard").....

After Nasrallah's threat against resumings bombing the Hezbollah controlled suburbs, Israel answered per the Jerusalem Post:

The IAF resumed its attacks on southern Beirut on Thursday night with strikes against Hizbullah and Hamas offices in the Dahiya neighborhood, as well as the home of a senior Hizbullah operative.............
(reports this PM of massive bombs hitting Hizbullah locations in Beirut per Fox)

Also today Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called for a cease-fire, and also is starting to sound like Bagdad Bob, only a much crazier Bagdad Bob:

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called for a cease-fire in Lebanon and lambasted U.S. policy in the Middle East on Wednesday, saying the United States wanted to "recarve the map" of the region with Israel's help............."We are calling for a cease-fire in Lebanon. We are against the war, against occupation," ........

Ahmadinejad is getting pretty spooked as he watches his Hezbollah front line offensive force melt away, and has America on his mind:

" The United States wants to recarve the map of the Middle East, acting through Israel. The United States is conducting its international policy through deceit, money and treachery," he said.............."If they attack Iran, they know our country, our people," he said. "They should think better before doing that. We can defend ourselves. Iran is a great world power which can protect its interests and its integrity. Only silly people would think about attacking Iran."...........

Ahmadinejad & Nasrallah are cracking hard under the reality of watching the liquidation of their terrorist power-base.....................Sounds like the knock-out could occur over the next two days and if Israel is as close to achieving that as it appears, they will get more days if needed...........


Others blogging on this topic:

Kim Priestap has a post up on the topic @ Wizbang

Check-out the Atlas post with a podcast offering @ Atlus Shrugs with Caroline Glick, it's good and very worth a visit..........
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