Friday, July 28, 2006

Hizbullah Road of Death

Iran is supplying Hizbullah with Fajr-5 rockets and they have about a 45 mile range and have 100 kg of explosives. They also are easily detected from their truck launched base making them an easy air attack target and they are very inaccurate. Israel is pushing Hizbullah north which is telling and it looks like its desperation time and Hizbullah is launching weapons of last option that don't work well. Hizbullah is pulling out their last card and it's not an Ace but rather a 4 of spades and it does not complete a straight.............................

Coverage per Jpost:

After a number of Katyusha barrages hit northern Israel over the course of the morning, five Iranian-made Fajr-5 missiles landed near Afula shortly after 3:30 p.m. Friday. This was the first time missiles of this type have been fired at Israel by Hizbullah. Police in the North said in an official statement that one of the missiles, which landed near Afula, contained 100 kg. of explosives - an amount that could have caused extensive damage and casualties had it struck a building.........

The Fajr-5 is a nasty weapon I'm sure if it hits one's home, but it appears to be less than the most dynamic of weapons.............

I found it strange to read the coverage over the last few days of those who doubted that Israel was handing Hizbullah as expected.

Rich Lowery NRO


I thought all along that the IDF was showing the press what they wanted to show them (good strategy). What we have not seen is what the Mossad and Special Forces are doing behind the line and the damage from those operations. I think when the battle facts are all know from this war, the Mossad will have done some very-very serious damage behind the lines and out of the media's reach, to Hizbullah................

What will the damage to Hizbullah look like when the fog of war clears? Do you remember those pictures of the "Road of Death" during the 1991 Iraqi war? It will likely look the same in the Hizbullah zones and be the new "Road of Death" - "Ring of Death" - "Hill of Death"....................

View the future of Hizbullah here...........

I say the Mossad have done some serious "road work", we shall see and I think Hizbullah's troops will look mostly like this:

Hizbullah's Fate


CQ is on my line also........
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