Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Eric the Mink Goes Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs............

Eric "the" Mink went totally Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.............................. today and had the most hilarious "tinfoil hat" column I have ever read in my life. I mean it was truly amazing to see what he presented to me and other subscribers in our paid subscription as "product". If you have not read it you should, link here

The Mink runs a list of what he calls "Bush Casualties" and asserts that King George eliminates those who don't prescribe to his power grab to eliminate liberties and freedoms within our Republic, and challenged him. The list is a Who's - Who of "C-" level government officials that are truly insignificant players: Susan F. Wood , (FDA Woman's Health), Gen. Eric Shinseki (not enough troops harp - I thought you wanted them home Eric?), Richard "sell some books" Clarke ( a Clinton hold over who is the most responsible person for the failed Intel named in his own book), and Greg Theilmann ( Intel expert fired for failure on 911 like Clarke ). Probably the saddest list of "expert witnesses" I have ever seen from anyone, even the most insane left wing liberal bloggers.

As I read The Minks article I immediately though of several of the most "insane" an "irrational" of the extreme left blog sites. You can read them:





Compare the "product" and "reasoning" from The Mink to these sites and ask yourself if the Mink is not more a hard left blogger than an Opinion Editor? It's actually very sad. How this guy retains his job putting this out as "product" is making a mockery of the good people at the Post Dispatch that are trying to uphold their responsibility of being the "Fourth Estate", while The Mink continues to go Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs...........

I use to get mad on occasion after reading The Mink's articles early on that were perverse like this one. Then I realized he speaks for a very small and illrelivent minority of moonbats. Who cares what The Mink says in his tin foil hat, it's so out of mainstream that the only people who value it are fellow moonbats that also could qualify as "hard left bloggers".....................

Post Dispatch - Lee Publishing, time to cut down on the Coca Puffs and start producting a better "product".............
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