Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Judge Diggs ACLU Before Ruling Against NSA

The ruling by US District Judge Anna Diggs against the NSA looks like an inside job by the ACLU. An organization that Diggs serves as Secretary & Trustee, has been feeding the Michigan ACLU cash. Per Chron Watch:

Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption and judicial abuse, announced today that Judge Anna Diggs Taylor, who last week ruled the government’s warrantless wiretapping program unconstitutional, serves as a Secretary and Trustee for a foundation that donated funds to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Michigan, a plaintiff in the case ACLU et al. v. National Security Agency. Judicial Watch discovered the potential conflict of interest after reviewing Judge Diggs Taylor’s financial disclosure statements.....................According to her 2003 and 2004 financial disclosure statements, Judge Diggs Taylor served as Secretary and Trustee for the Community Foundation for Southeastern Michigan (CFSEM). She was reelected to this position in June 2005. The official CFSEM website states that the foundation made a “recent grant” of $45,000 over two years to the ACLU of Michigan, a plaintiff in the wiretapping case. Judge Diggs Taylor sided with the ACLU of Michigan in her recent decision...............

Unbelievable...............Well actually it's not all that unbelievable, the hard left has completely left any shred of objective and moderate standing behind in their sprint to become totally unhinged. Just the latest example of the hard left falling off the floor to a new low point............................

Hat-tip Wizbang who has a good post going on the subject.........

Jim @ Gateway Pundit is leading the blog reporting on this one, check it out.....................
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