Monday, July 10, 2006

Support for Basayev on BBC Blog Strong

Chechen terrorist Shamil Basayev was blown-up and killed by Russian FSB special operations per Moscow. A pro Basayev website say his truck carrying explosives blew up in an accident (if true - very fitting). Regardless he is dead, per the BBC:

The most wanted Chechen rebel warlord, Shamil Basayev, has died in an explosion in the neighbouring republic of Ingushetia. Russia's FSB security service chief, Nikolai Patrushev, said Basayev was killed in a "special operation"..................

The story behind the story for me was reading the BBC and the surprising number of pro-Basayev posts on the BBC Blog:

Shamil was a freedom-figther for his country, died for fighting the independence of his land from foreign occupation and would be remembered for his bravery and courage. What a shame that the media now labels freedom-fighters as terrorists and does not projectthe Russian atrocities against a sovereign state that was once acknowledged by the Russians. I beleive a day will come when freedom fighters will be given their true respect!.

Basharat, west lafayette

Basayev's death means nothing. His life meant everything for his people. He was a true hero fighting a Goliath.

MTSaleem, Cardiff

However when a country such of Chechniya wants independence and uses force, the story is different. Why - what is different? The beards?

Curtis Denchance, United Kingdom

Seriously Curtis, your serious? I obviously realize that the Soviet Union has a track record of terrible crimes against many people under their rule. I can see logic in the battle for independence argument on face value before we start talking about who Basayev was and what he has done, however, when you order the bombing and death of innocent school children, you can not be considered noble. Basayev was not noble, he was a terrorist killer. Here is what Basayev ordered back in 2004:

The September 2004 attack on a school in Beslan, in the North Caucasus, led to at least 331 deaths. It triggered outrage in Russia and other countries, as many women and children were among the victims........

I found the number of BBC post sympathizing with Basayev shocking, considering what he had done and how he has viciously killed innocent people including school children................

Also covering the story:


The Moderate Voice

Counter Terrorism Blog

California Yankee
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