Sunday, July 09, 2006

This Weekends Left-Over Meltdowns

A weekend update, with lots of very interesting topics:

Hugh Hewitt exposes more Times/MSM problems and this one's about the coming subscription issues:

When the new circulation figures for the Times Two appear, it is a guarantee that the any losses will be explained away by reference not to the papers' atrocious editorial decisions, but to the challenge from online competitors. To help the small brained dinosaurs there's a useful new category cooked up by the Audit Bureau of Circulation that counts free papers left in hotel lobbies etc, "Verified Circulation."

You can perfume a corpse, but that doesn't make it less dead. Keep your eye on home delivery, paid circulation. The advertisers will. And my guess is that they won't be happy. Nor will the shareholders or Wall Street..........................

Hugh links: Powerline and Professior Bainbridge

That is of course what I have said often, the only way that the MSM will ever be reformed is via the share holders, subscribers, and advertisers, time will tell........................


NewsBusters has the latest David Brooks slap down of the netroots:

But over the past few years [Lieberman] has been subjected to a vituperation campaign that only experts in moral manias and mob psychology are really fit to explain. I can't reproduce the typical assaults that have been directed at him over the Internet, because they are so laced with profanity and ugliness, but they are ginned up by ideological masseurs who salve their followers' psychic wounds by arousing their rage at objects of mutual hate.

That's right on the mark of course..................................


Along the same lines, Gateway is covering the very deranged lefty blogger meltdown that seems to have gone full speed ahead this week:

It's so sad to see the building meltdown of the Left and their Democratic Party these last few years. If you take away their glass house of Bush hatred they're left standing their in naked rage. This weekend one very deranged woman in full blown meltdown threatened the two year old child of popular conservative blogger Jeff Goldstein.

** Also... this weekend Viking Pundit points out a Leftist Saddam-defending human shield and peace activist, Christiaan Briggs, who beat another man into a coma!

Nice folks, huh...........................


The left is looking like it's on the verge of a full blown explosion and it will probably happen in the next few days, given the momentum they have going in that direction from this past weekend...................................
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