Monday, March 27, 2006

Immigration Policy & Immigration Polls

What do Americans think about the current "Immigration Issue"? Survey says per AP:

Most people in the United States think illegal immigration is a serious problem. A solid majority oppose making it easier for illegal immigrants to become legal workers or citizens.....................59 percent say they oppose allowing illegal immigrants to apply for legal, temporary-worker status..........More than six in 10, 62 percent, say they oppose making it easier for illegal immigrants to become citizens....................Three-fourths say the United States is not doing enough along its borders to keep illegal immigrants out......................

Well the Senate is not moving in the same direction of the polls or the American people per the AP:

The Senate Judiciary Committee approved sweeping election-year legislation Monday that clears the way for 11 million illegal aliens to seek U.S. citizenship, a victory for demonstrators who had spilled into the streets by the hundreds of thousands demanding better treatment for immigrants.........................

Should be an interesting 2006 election cycle I'd say and this will be an interesting issue.............................
__________ Update _________________________________________________________________

Thomas Sowell is not in favor of the Bush & Dem Senate deal:

Do American citizens go around carrying documents with them when they work or apply for work? Most Americans are undocumented workers but they are not illegal immigrants. There is a difference.

The Bush administration is pushing a program to legalize "guest workers." But what is a guest? Someone you have invited. People who force their way into your home without your permission are called gate crashers.

An endorsement of the deal per Mort Kondracke:

The most sensible proposal to me is the comprehensive bill sponsored by Sens. McCain and Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.), which involves enhanced border security, tighter controls on employment of illegal immigrants, a worker permit program and a system that allows many of the 12 million illegals now in the country to earn their way toward citizenship...............A useful add-on to the comprehensive approach will be introduced this week by Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) to speed up the process of moving legal green-card holders toward citizenship by offering them scholarships worth $500 to learn English and by shortening the qualification time for citizenship from five years to four for those who are fluent.

Interesting indeed................................
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