Thursday, March 23, 2006

Post Dispatch Gets Linked by Drudge Report

The St. Louis Post Dispatch got linked today by the "Biggest" news website Drudge. The link is to the story about a local AM DJ Dave Lenihan who got fired for an on-air racial slur directed at Secretary of State Condi Rice.

I visit Drudge pretty much every day and don't ever recall the Post's online website being linked. Their visitor numbers are going to go through the roof today I'm sure. That should provide the Post Dispatch with a live example of the power of the new media by way of the Drudge visitors and all the other links from other bloggers who saw the story on Drudge and then linked to the Post as well. The Post has a pretty decent initial offering on their blog section but like the rest of the paper it continues the left of center slat that defines the legacy offering that the Post produces in a paper format.

Hopefully as the Post is exposed to the fact that they are but a small wheel in the news options and sources for those in STL, the paper will work much harder to become a more balanced product and their coverage of political related news will improve.

Should be a record day for the Post's online site.....................
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