Thursday, March 23, 2006

Political Bias of MSM Just Keeps Shining Through

Per Drudge, ABC news executive John Green, gets busted on his Bush Bias:

A top producer at ABC NEWS declared "Bush makes me sick" in an email obtained by the DRUDGE REPORT. John Green, currently executive producer of the weekend edition of GOOD MORNING AMERICA, unloaded on the president in an ABC company email obtained by the DRUDGE REPORT.

Here is what Green said in his email: "If he uses the 'mixed messages' line one more time, I'm going to puke," Green complained.

Sounds like a real biased news executive to me. The astounding thing is not that he is biased but rather the defense that ABC threw in the wind in an attempt to cover the bias. An un-named friend of Green's at ABC had this to say:

"John feels so badly about this email. He is a straight shooter and great producer who is always fair. That said, he deeply regrets the sentiment expressed in the email and the embarrassment it causes ABC News."

Does ABC and this person really think the public is that stupid? We have item after item day after day that shows the liberal bias of the MSM. Then in a case like this where they are cold-busted they are still tossing that "we're liberal but we are fair" line..........................Please........................

The New Media provides a valid option so we don't have to wade through the nauseating liberal veil used by the MSM in their coverage of the news. MSM organizations that refuse to address and correct the problem will continue their deep and fast downward market spiral. Denial of the issue will only speed things up...........................
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