Friday, March 24, 2006

Child Beaten Up At Baby Sitting Friends Instructions

Choose your babysitter carefully……………This is a disturbing story from Killeen Texas about a couple of really bad baby sitters and supposed friends, per the AP:

A Fort Hood soldier and his wife have been accused of injury to a child for allegedly forcing their 3-year-old daughter to beat up an older boy as they videotaped it, Killeen police said………………………

The fight allegedly occurred Saturday while the couple babysat for the 5-year-old son of a friend, police said. When the boy's mother arrived to pick him up, she turned on the couple's video camera, which had previously been used to tape the children playing.

Police said the tape shows the soldier commanding his daughter to knock the victim down, kick him and hit him in the face. The girl follows her father's instructions as the boy cries and pleads for her to stop, police said.


It’s bad enough for an adult to instigate such a thing but it’s even more sinister when the child that was beaten-up was left in the care of these people and was the child of a “friend”…………….Sick………………….
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