Saturday, March 18, 2006

NYT Get's It Wrong Again on Abu Graib - A MSM Tradition

More news that you would think was accurate if you only got your news from the Post and the MSM via Capain Q:

The New York Times issued a correction today about their blockbuster story about the man they claimed was the subject of the infamous Abu Ghraib photo, wearing a poncho and connected to wires. The Times had reported that Ali Shalal Qaissi was the victim of American abuse and ran a lengthy profile about his efforts to ensure that Americans would no longer torture innocent Iraqis. Well, Qaissi isn't quite that innocent -- he lied about his identity as the man in the picture (see update)................

Wrong again, and again, and again, and again......Does not the whole story now have the taint of questions? This is the liberal MSM jumping out of their shoes for political reasons and saying the hell to facts. A factual void content is not news it is the state of the MSM however......................
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