Monday, January 30, 2006

Dutch Pirates Defeated 72-25 - Cloture on Alito

Origin of Filibuster: The term filibuster -- from a Dutch word meaning "pirate" -- became popular in the 1850s, when it was applied to efforts to hold the Senate floor in order to prevent a vote on a bill.

The Kerry, Kennedy, Kos filibuster efforts against Alito failed miserably and cloture was approved by a 72-25 vote margin. The confirmation vote on Alito should occur tomorrow morning, and it will be final.

Lot's of good blog coverage out there on the cloture vote:

The Corner: has KayLo's Reid voted for cloture before he voted against it and now the Kos Kids are sharpening their sticks...............JPod's Disappointment that the fili did not happen and will not become a sharper stick for the dems to fall on......................and York's Kos Kid's melt down....................they are done with the DNC and forming their own party.....

Hugh Hewitt also highlighted the Kos Kids unhinging and has a link to Decision 08' who rounds out the Corner's highlights of the Kos Kids sharpening sticks, quitting the DNC and forming their own party, but apparently in Amsterdam (well it is Dutch):

Maryscott of Kos: We are f**ked.........

I have to apply the same line KayLo did for Reid to neighboring state Illinois Senator Barack Obama. Barack was against the filibuster before he voted for it......Barack Obama said this on ABC's This Week on Sunday:

"We need to recognize, because Judge Alito will be confirmed, that, if we're going to oppose a nominee that we've got to persuade the American people that, in fact, their values are at stake," Obama said. "There is an over-reliance on the part of Democrats for procedural maneuvers," he told ABC's "This Week."

Then he votes for over-reliance on "obstructionist" procedural maneuvers......................................Against obstruction before he voted for obstruction..................
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