Saturday, January 28, 2006

Kerry, Kennedy & Kos - The Dem Platform

John Kerry has a new "guest blogger partner" at Kos. Ted Kennedy has joined Kerry and like Kerry is endorsing the Kos agenda as the democrat agenda. In a few days we will know from the transparent roll call vote in the Senate on Alito, which democrats have joined the extreme Kos agenda and have declare it the democrat agenda. We also will know which newspapers and MSM organizations subscribe to the Kos doctrine by their editorials, columns, and calls on Alito. The St. Louis Post Dispatch editorial team are Kos Kids............

If you have friends who are self defined democrat and they want to see the Kos agenda that is taking over the democrat-left of center party platform and what it is all about, tell them to check it out here at Kos & MoveOn. But make sure they read "all" the comments on Kos to get a real flavor for how their views match up with the team, and if they are a new era Kerry, Kennedy, Kos democrat.............................
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