Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Toilet Paper Rules & Roommates

Remember back to your college or early post graduation days when you had a roommate and the issues that arose from time to time with sharing each others stuff………..You know borrowing some laundry detergent from your roommate or helping yourself to a small amount of their food if you had not gotten to the store yet. There were acceptable things to borrow and some that you never closed the line on. For everything borrowed there was a universally acceptable repayment process and timeline. You simply have to have those types of rules when you have a roommate.

I don’t know about you but toilet paper was always a shared expense if there was only one bathroom and everyone bought it when they shopped and stocked it liberally because I don’t know how you don’t share toilet paper……………..Usually there is only one toilet paper dispenser……….Isolating toilet paper by roommate does not seem like a very functional process.

That said think about this story coming out of Central Florida where a man beat his roommate to death with a hammer because he used up all the toilet paper via WFTV 9:

A man has been arrested for fatally beating his roommate with a sledgehammer and a claw hammer because there was no toilet tissue in the home, authorities said.

Not just a hammer, this guy used two different types…………………..

Matthews was beaten so badly he had to be identified through his fingerprints, detectives said….

Beaten so badly with a sledgehammer and a claw hammer that they had to identify him via fingerprints and it was all over toilet paper…………………

If you have a roommate, you might want to consider discussing and establishing some offical rules over the toilet paper.......................
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