Thursday, November 17, 2005

WaPo on Georgia Voting ID's & Ghost Voters

Yes by all means it does seem extremely overboard to require voters to prove that they are in fact the person that they claim to be by showing a photo ID at the polling station:

Georgia Voter ID

Per WaPo (who along with the NYT are setting the low standard for confidential source reporting these days):

A team of Justice Department lawyers and analysts who reviewed a Georgia voter-identification law recommended rejecting it because it was likely to discriminate against black voters, but they were overruled the next day by higher-ranking officials at Justice, according to department documents.

But get this, WaPo has some "leaked" info via a memo (hold your hat this could get interesting) that points to scandal and underhanded efforts underway in Georgia:

But an Aug. 25 staff memo obtained by The Washington Post recommended blocking the program because Georgia failed to show that the measure would not dilute the votes of minority residents, as required under the Voting Rights Act.
The memo, endorsed by four of the team's five members, also said the state had provided flawed and incomplete data. The team found significant evidence that the plan would be "retrogressive," meaning that it would reduce blacks' access to the polls.

A day later, on Aug. 26, the chief of the department's voting rights section, John Tanner, told Georgia officials that the program could go forward. "The Attorney General does not interpose any objection to the specified changes," he said in a letter to them.

This is ridiculous and to require a photo ID is not only reasonable it is responsible in the current climate of heavy voter fraud. There is a huge amount of voter fraud going on and steps have to be taken to ensure that legitimacy of the voting process. Georgia and other states should appropriate money if necessary for free voter ID cards with a photo, and pass the law. It would be terrible for anyone eligible to vote to not have that opportunity. That has to be prevented from happening. However, asking for each voter to prove they are who they claim via a photo ID is completely reasonable.

There are lots of dead people voting and although a photo ID will not prevent every ghost from voting, it will prevent the wide spread fraud that is currently going on at the voting booths...............................
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