Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Australian Terrorists Planned 15 Bombings

More details have come out today on the big terrorist attack that was prevented by Australian security forces:

Australian Terror Attacks

Per the AP:

The Sydney arm of an alleged Islamic terror network had stockpiled enough chemicals to make at least 15 large bombs.........................

The eight suspects, arrested in Sydney Tuesday and charged with conspiracy to manufacture explosives for a terrorist attack, had registered a series of company names to justify buying large quantities of industrial chemicals..............................

Even after this, there are those in Australia who think that the proposed "two week detention power" that the government is asking for should not be passed:

Federal lawmakers were expected to begin debating Prime Minister John Howard's proposed new anti-terrorism laws during Thursday's sitting of parliament.

The legislation, which has met with opposition from legal and civil rights groups, would let authorities hold terror suspects without charge for two weeks and monitor them with electronic tracking devices for up to a year.

Britain giving Blair 28 days instead of the needed 90 days, Dems in America rehashing the Patriot Act, and now a country that just dodged a major terrorist attack has some opposed to a "two week detention" request? Do you see the theme here? Complete idiots on the detention issue.............

No one want to give the federal government undue power but we have to give them time and the power to figure out if a suspect is a terrorist killer planning to kill hundreds or thousands of citizens.

The politics of attack against those fighting the War on Terror is shameful. Hopefully another horrible attack will not happen but if it does, those leading the current attack will be "COMPLETELY" on the hook for the tragedy that could unfold....
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