Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Rosenhaus Defend Terrell Owens

Lots of stories out there about sports agents that ride the backs of their players without doing much. I would not say that is the case for Terrell Owen's agent:


Could you imagine the humiliation of standing up in front of the public and defending TO? TO makes Randy Moss look like a "team builder". Man, leave any dignity and credibility you have at the door and jump in the mud with the pigs and wallow on........................

Drew Rosenhaus almost looked like he was about to break out laughing to me when he said, "There are players in the NFL that are arrested who violate the program when it comes to drugs and substance abuse and they are not punished as severely as him". Reason being Rosenhaus has gotten some of those offenders off........

TO had little to say but had his act going:

While Rosenhaus spoke to reporters and refused to answer several questions, Owens stood stoically alongside a burly bodyguard. He flashed his trademark smile and winked at a reporter who asked Rosenhaus what he's done for his client other than have him kicked off the team.

I have never seen two people in sports that deserve each other more than Rosenhaus & TO. Maybe TO will sign a football with his sharpie for Rosenhaus and serve it up with a white waiter towel. Bet they both would get one hell of a laugh from that tied stunt...................................................
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