Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Dems Want New Dots To Connect On Iraq Pre-War Intel

Looks like we have "Game On" in Washington now and the Republicans are about to hit back and hit hard at the regurgitated efforts of the Dems to have a Do-Over on the 911 Hearings and the Plame Gate investigation, and make things come out much more positive for their political interests. Per CNN:


"You're going to see heavy and direct engagement from this administration," according to a senior administration official, who said there would be "an increased presence and willingness to be more aggressive in responding to Democrats."

The Dems angle is: Libby was indicted and Plame Gate was loosely related to the intelligence leading up to the Iraq war, so Bush and the White House was lying..............................

A couple problems with that strategy:

- Libby was not indicted for exposing Plame (who it seems everyone in that circle knew was a CIA agent) or improper disclosure of classified information. He was indicted for obstruction of justice, perjury, and false statements to federal agents . Not a good thing but far from falsifying intel or lying about intel leading up to the Iraq War. It was a "very" hollow victory for the Dems who are falling all over themselves right now in rage. They wanted to be able to connect some dots but there are no dots to connect..........................

- Joe Wilson was a political hack who went to Niger on the request of his wife with an agenda and came back with an agenda statement. He was more interested in an Op-Ed career with the NYT as it related to his findings than true intel for his country. Joe Wilson provides "lots" of dots, but they connect a picture that the Dems don't want to connect nor does the NYT...................

- The post war 911 Commission has done it's investigation and made it's report. No falsification of intel came out and the Dems want a do-over even though it was a bipartisan investigation. Guess they don't trust their own Dem officals on this one. Again no dots to connect so the Dems are trying to make up new dots........................

- The Niger Yellow Cake source Rocco Martino turns out to be a bad Italian agent who was possibly a double agent working for France French Italian Double Agent . So the info was bad but again no evidence of falsification by the Administration of the intel given by Martino. Everyone believed it was true at the time, everyone............

Bottom line, lots of mistakes were made with intel by lots of people and mostly by the CIA. The Dems want to paint a new picture that does not exist and make it one with lots of dots that they can then connect. Not going to happen, selective recreation of history is not an option. It's about time that the WH and Republicans came out and exposed the Dem agenda front and center in every debate being covered currently. .......................................

The off-year elections are over and the 2006 season has offically started, "lets get it on"...................................................
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