Monday, November 07, 2005

Catastrophic Terrorist Attacked Stopped In Australia

The longest operation of counterterrorism conducted in Australia seems to have been successful and prevented a “catastrophic terrorist attack”:


Per the BBC:

He said six people had been arrested in Sydney early on Tuesday morning, while Melbourne police said another nine were arrested there. Just two days ago the government gave police greater anti-terrorist powers…………………

A federal police spokesman said some of those arrested had already been charged with being a member of a terrorist organisation.

The report does not go into the detains of the terrorist threat as I'm sure they have not been released, only that an apparently big attack has been stopped, which is obviously the most important point.

The liberal opposition party in Australia has been accusing the John Howard government of exaggerating the dangers in order to get stronger anti-terror powers.

Guess we now know who was right on this matter once again…………………………
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