Monday, November 07, 2005

China Sends Army to Battle Avian Bird Flu

China has deployed the People's Army in their latest battle against the Bird Flu:


Not a good sign that this is a mild or non-serious outbreak when the following is unfolding:

"All the poultry in the region must be slaughtered by zero hour (midnight) on Sunday," Xinhua news agency said, quoting local officials.
As of Sunday morning more than one million poultry have been slaughtered, the China News Service quoted officials as saying...................

Soldiers also sealed off the affected areas while disinfecting pedestrians and vehicles leaving the premises. More than 30 roadside checkpoints have been set up and some 50 tons of disinfectants were used, the Liaoning Daily said Sunday......

Officials will also "launch a province-wide surveillance, not missing one village, one family or one poultry, and vaccinating 100 percent of the poultry, not counting on sheer luck, not leaving any shortcomings and not leaving any hidden dangers," Zhou said...............

Authorities in Beijing threatened to fine or jail anyone who refuses to comply with vaccination orders for pets and other animals...........

This would appear to be a serious outbreak and a serious situation based on the reaction thus far by the Chinese government…………………………………….
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