Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Wounded Soldiers Attacked By Anti-War Protesters At Walter Reed

Well Cindy Sheehan's anti-war protest down in Crawford started out veiled in the promotion that it was not about radical Americans who hate America and our military. No this was a new anti-war movement based on a mother and her loss of a soldier son. This was different than the insanely driven anti America sixties protesters who cheered for America's defeat and for harm to our service members. These people loved their country and supported their service men and woman. Yeah right..............................The false cover has been blown completely off today's recycled hate America anti-war protesters, via Drudge, and the lie exposed:

True Agenda Exposed

Anti-war protestors besieged wounded and disabled soldiers at Walter Reed Hospital in Washington, D.C, a new web report will claim! is planning to run an expose featuring interviews with both protestors and veterans, as well as shots of protest signs with slogans like “Maimed for a Lie.”
The conservative outlet will post video evidence of the wounded veterans being taunted by protesters, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.

Not that there ever was a doubt but now we see the true colors of this movement and its the same old faded color of the Jane Fonda's of yester year. We can now see the whole ugly beast that came dressed in false costumes. They have the same agenda that America is bad and deserves to be harmed and defeated for all the misguided reasons that they chant and scream. They don't believe in military action for any reason, and if we use it to protect ourselves or to help others gain freedom, they mobilize and spin the same old tired anti America message. Hate America first, blame America first, support America never...................

America has changed since the sixties and won't follow that misguided call any longer. America has changed even more since 911, and people like Sheehan and the other extremist anti-war activist don't get that regardless of any minor bump they thought they got from the fawning MSM's coverage, their message will ultimately fall resoundingly short and on deaf ears. The majority of Americas will not follow their call, its a different country now and always will be. That is a good and important thing.

The worm is turning on the MSM slow summer news story that they created. The inflated movement that the coverage provided those with such an agenda, is now that hissing sound you hear, like a balloon loosing its inflated air supply. Will the MSM cover the ugly truth now that its out? They have no other choice since they created it. If they are reluctant then the new media will be here to hold them accountable to dance with the ugly monster they brought..................


Via Free Republic, one of the primary Cindy Sheehan handlers "Code Pink" was behind the Walter Reed attacks on wounded military heroes

Code Pink Cowards

This disgraceful act is almost beyond description. The MSM has egged on a minuscule group of fanatic hate America activist to now attack fellow Americans who served proudly and were wounded doing so. A disgusting climate of hate towards our military service heroes brought to you via the MSM ................The MSM has a great deal to explain on this matter and the harm they have done to a lot of people who did not deserve this type of treatment..................

If you sleep with pigs, then you will smell like a..............

Update II:

Here is another attack that the anti-war crowd down in Crawford is promoting against American service men and woman (hat-tip Michelle Malkin):

Welcome Back To Seattle Soldier

Two soldiers who just returned from a year in Iraq were badly beaten in an attack outside Pioneer Square...........

The brutality of it all was captured on tape outside of Larry's Nightclub on First and Yesler on July 31..................

If you think that attacks like the ones in Seattle and at Walter Reed have nothing to do with the hate message being spewed by the anti-war crowd you had better think again. The climate that the hate America anti-war activist are trying to create are directly responsible for such attacks.

Time to push these anti-war activist groups with no grounding, rational or perspective, only blind and false agendas out the door and for good. Their message of hate is vile and has no place in the war we are engaged in to protect our sacred rights and freedoms.................................
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