Saturday, August 20, 2005

Krugman's Curve - Bias Facts To Support Bias Reporting

Powerline has a good post on Paul Krugman who is the poster boy for the NYT liberal bias. He is the Old Grey Lady's biased liberal Tin Foiled Hat Professor with an agenda that cares little about facts. Rumor has it that he has sculpted a tin foil sword as well but that is not confirmed. Facts? Krugman does not need no stinking facts..................


Krugman dismisses even the liberal MSM reporting related to facts when he writes his agenda spin pieces. Krugman is the most left ideology that there has ever been. I personally think he is insane to a degree and lives in a fantasy ultra-liberal self created world. Sort of Bill Murphy in "What About Bill", with Krugman playing the part of an ultra-liberal creator of facts on Bill's journey. Reality does not matter in Krugman or Bill's world, only the fiction that they believe and influences their offering to the sane people they live with. A person if you will, a bit off the rational credible stage......................

Kurgan is a "mental midget" and I'm simply finding his offerings funnier and funnier, more irrelevant and full of more silly political bias each time I read his offerings. It's a sad product from a sad MSM political hack.......
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