Friday, August 19, 2005

Harry Reids Stroke Filibuster Related?

Fox is reporting that Minority Leader Senator Harry Reid Dem-NV, had a mild stroke earlier this week:


Per Fox:

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., saw a doctor after feeling light-headed Tuesday and learned he'd suffered a mild stroke, aides said Friday...........He has undergone evaluations this week, and his doctors have recommended that he take advantage of the summer congressional recess for some down time.....................

According to experts a transient ischemic filibuster related attack, is a mini-stroke, which usually last less than 24 hours and usually does not produce any permanent conditions. It's much like a filibuster, caused by blockage and obstruction, again usually lasting less than 24 hours, and prevents positive flow and progress. Some experts stated today that Mr. Reid's obstructionist nature in the Senate leading the countless filibusters these past several years, was probably the primary cause of the stroke. Other experts pointed out that his history probably has a lot to do with the condition as well. It is a hereditary condition and his predecessor Tom Daschle was know to have one of the most acute cases of blockage that went untreated for years.......................

In all seriousness, I hope the Senator is ok and regains his health. However, that said, I also hope he returns to Washington in the fall with a more positive agenda that lacks the overwhelming obstruction we saw from his leadership of the minority party this past year................................


Confederate Yankee has a post up on the Rove conspiracy and the outing of the President's chief advisor on this Reid matter:

Confederate Yankee

They are on to us, shred the files..............................
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